News of Madison Valley

Land Use Notices Madison Valley, Apr 27 - May 1, 2015


Here are the Dept. of Planning and Development’s Land Use notices pertaining to the Madison Valley community from the last week.  Note that the absence of recent reports is due to no notices pertaining to the Madison Valley community for most of April. 


227 23rd Ave E

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into three unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. The construction of residential units is under project 6405859. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Application

Project #3020249 



Pedestrian Designation for Neighborhood Commercial Zones (including Madison Valley)

The Seattle City Council is considering Council Bill (CB) 118383, which would amend land use regulations that pertain to Pedestrian (P) designations and neighborhood commercial zoning districts, and would amend the Official Land Use Map to add P designations in 42 neighborhoods.

Notice of Opportunity to Comment

Council Bill Details


Amendments to Lowrise Multi-Family Zoning Regulations

The Seattle City Council is proposing to amend the Land Use Code (Title 23 of the Seattle Municipal Code) to make adjustments and corrections to the regulatory framework for Lowrise zones.

Notice of Public Hearing

Backgound and Legislation



Land Use Information Bulletins
Property & Building Activity Interactive Map (Click the markers for more info.)
Design Review Board schedules and documents


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