News of Madison Valley

Spring Clean 2016 Wrap-up


Thank you to McGilvra Elementary for co-hosting and to everyone who came out to help with this year’s Madison Valley Spring Clean. 

Thank you as well to the Merchant’s Association who pays for Minero’s Landscape company to clean Madison Street. They pull all the weeds from the tree wells and sidewalk cracks, and blow away all the winter debris. They are hard working and have helped for three years in a row. 

Also, thank you to the residents and merchants who donated to help pay for Spring Clean this year. 

The focus of the clean this year was cleaning up the traffic triangle at 28th and Madison. A group of volunteers pulled all the plants and weeds around the perimeter. It was a hot and difficult job, but we managed to tame the overgrowth. The City of Seattle will provide bark to keep the weeds down during the summer and the plan is to replant the border in the fall.


Cathy Nunnely and Jeremy Braun started on the triangle early in the morning.


The Save Madison Valley group came out to help.


Sabrina and Piper work on scraping stickers and graffiti from the signs.


Tom, who was visiting his family in Madison Valley, offered to help! He hand painted the No Dumping signs near the storm water drains. Thank you Tom! 


Buried in the weeds of the triangle we found a sign that had been pushed over. We reported this to SDOT. 



Men of McGilvra hard at work in the triangle. 


The kiosk was cleaned, and new signs and plexiglass were installed. 


The crosswalk flag holders were secured, to prevent them from falling down while new flags were labeled. Interesting fact: approximately 1 flag per week is lost or stolen. 


Topics: Beautification