News of Madison Valley

Tell Us What You Think: Designs for New Landmark


The City of Seattle and the Madison Valley Community Council are looking for comments on these preliminary designs for a new neighborhood landmark. The structure will be built on the traffic triangle at Madison and 28th Ave E. 

This feedback will be used to create a third and final design. There is no need to “vote” on one design or the other; commenters can like or dislike features from either. Clicking on the illustrations will open up full-size versions in a new window.


Design One:

Two columns are added to each side of the large tree and signage with the words Madison Valley on a curved sign. Final design for the columns and sign TBD.

Uses more of the triangle space
The large tree in front remains, but is trimmed to increase visibility
A rounded bench is built into the design
A planting strip in front to protect pedestrians from traffic

Triangle: Front

Triangle: Elev1


Triangle: Overhead

Triangle: Plan1


Design Two:

The Madison Valley signage is incased in a “picture frame”
The large tree is removed
A grove of smaller trees is added to the triangle

Design Two contains some additional improvements to the area. These could be incorporated into either design, if people like them:

1. Adding curb bulbs to the corner in front of Luc and Jae’s. This would slow traffic in the intersection and improve the pedestrian crossing.  

2. Paving the concrete and sidewalk with a decorative pattern to distinguish it as a place.

Triangle: Front

Triangle: Elev2

Triangle: Overhead

Triangle: Plan2


CrosswalkIn conjunction with the landmark construction, the nearby crosswalk (in front of Luc), which terminates in a tree trunk, will be rehabilitated, either by moving the crosswalk or removing the tree.



Please take a few moments to fill out the online survey. The last question, #10, is for any general or specific comments you’d like to us to hear. Thank you!

These design options will be discussed at both the Merchants Association meeting and the Community Council meeting. Anyone is welcome to attend these neighborhood meetings.

Madison Valley Merchant Association
Third Wednesday of the month – Nov 20, 9:00 AM at Cafe Flora

Madison Valley Community Council
Third Wednesday of the month – Nov 20, 7:00 PM at MLK FAME Center

If you have questions or additional comments regarding the Madison Valley Triangle Project, please contact [email protected]


Topics: Beautification, Community Planning