UPDATE: The closure of 520 has been cancelled.
Plan ahead for a full weekend closure of SR 520 and local street closures from Aug. 26 to 29. Here is the closure map.
SR 520 is scheduled to close from I-5 to 92nd Avenue Northeast between 11 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 26 and 5 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 29. This closure differs slightly from other SR 520 closures as eastbound SR 520 is scheduled to close between I-5 and Montlake Boulevard. Below are the key details about the planned closure.
Eastbound SR 520
* All eastbound SR 520 lanes and ramps from I-5 to 92nd Avenue Northeast, including the Portage Bay Bridge, are scheduled to close.
* Please note that vehicles will not have access to Montlake from I-5 via eastbound SR 520.
* The bicycle and pedestrian path on the new floating bridge is scheduled to close.
Westbound SR 520
* All westbound SR 520 lanes and ramps between 92nd Avenue Northeast and Montlake Boulevard East are scheduled to close.
During the weekend, I-90 and express lanes will be open for alternative routes. Travelers are encouraged to use transit and carpools.
Local Street Closures
Single-lane closures are also scheduled to take place on Montlake Boulevard East between East Roanoke Street and Shelby Street as WABN crews complete grinding and paving work. Crews plan to close single lanes of Montlake Boulevard from:
• Friday, Aug. 26 at 9 p.m. to Saturday, Aug. 27 at 1 p.m.
• Saturday, Aug. 27 at 8 p.m. to Sunday, Aug. 28 at 1 p.m.
• Sunday, Aug. 28 at 8 p.m. to Monday, Aug. 29 at 6 a.m.
What to expect during the weekend closure:
• Removal of a portion of the decommissioned westbound SR 520 off-ramp to Lake Washington Boulevard over SR 520.
• Paving and striping on the eastbound SR 520 on- and off-ramps to and from Montlake Boulevard.
• Re-striping of the westbound SR 520 lanes on the new floating bridge.
• Maintenance of the temporary tolling system.
• Lid maintenance at Evergreen Point, 84th Avenue Northeast and 92nd Avenue Northeast.
What to expect Monday morning:
Crews will convert the existing westbound carpool lane to a general-purpose lane farther east on the floating bridge. Doing this allows for a smoother merge farther west where the three westbound lanes on the new floating bridge transition to two lanes on the old west approach bridge.
How to reach us and stay informed during WABN construction:
• Call the 24-hour construction hotline (206-708-4657) with pressing questions or concerns.
• Email WABN staff with your questions about the project or construction activities.
• Join us for our monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Graham Visitors Center.
• Visit the SR 520 Orange Page for the most up-to-date information on closures and construction impacts.