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Bailey-Boushay House Seeking Funding to Open Emergency Shelter for Homeless Clients


The Bailey-Boushay House, operated by Virginia Mason, was the first facility built from the ground up for end-of-life care for people living with HIV/AIDS. To date, it has provided a sense of community and care for thousands of people not just here in Seattle, but across the Pacific Northwest. To better serve its clients in need, many of whom are currently homeless and sleeping on neighboring streets, Bailey-Boushay is seeking funding to open an emergency shelter at its current location, with up to 50 beds.


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Why There is a Need:

The shelter fills a void in the community to provide safe and accessible interim housing for Bailey-Boushay’s homeless population, a critical issue among those living with HIV/AIDS. Unstable housing jeopardizes these individuals’ HIV care and overall quality of life. Bailey-Boushay believes the shelter is a necessary next step in their continuum of care, which will result in consistent oversight and treatment for these individuals as they tackle other issues, such as drug dependency, incarceration issues and mental health.

How it Helps:

The shelter is an extension of the organization’s Housing Stability Project, which builds skills and provides support for those who are homeless, or at risk for homelessness. The shelter embraces critical elements to be effective, including easy accessibility; crisis and interim housing; an environment that fosters community, with supportive health and social services; and assistance to return to permanent housing.

What to Expect:

We are currently working to secure funding for the project to have it open by January 2018. There will be no construction or roadside disruption.

Learn More:

Bailey-Boushay is holding two community forums to answer questions and present plans for opening the shelter. Stop by on August 12, 2017 at 4:30 p.m. or August 16, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. to learn more about the process and what to expect.

If you are unable to make either time, call 206-240-3269 or email [email protected] with any questions.


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JULY 26, 2017 | -
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EastPAC Community Meeting This Thursday


Please join us this Thursday. We will be chatting about a community-driven crime reduction strategy. And as always we will also get an update from SPD on what is happening in our community.

July 27th, 2016 6:30 PM through 8:00 PM

824 12th Ave Seattle
Stuart T. Rolfe Community Room in the Seattle University Admissions and Alumni building on the SE corner of 12th & Marion


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June 2017 Police Reports


June saw another decrease in the total number of incidents reported to the police from Madison Valley. The June total, 28, was down from 43 in May, 56 in April, and 63 in March. Car prowls and vehicle thefts remained in the single digits during June, and there were only three burglaries.


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1. Around 5 PM on June 27th police were called to investigate a burglary that took place earlier that day at a residence on E. 22nd near Mercer. When they arrived, they found that a window pane in the back door of the residence had been kicked in, allowing the burglar to unlock the door. Once inside, the burglar rummaged through the house but apparently took only $230 in cash from a drawer in an upstairs bedroom closet. The police found fingerprints at the scene and the police report notes that a high fence around the back yard of the residence would have prevented anyone from being able to detect that a burglary was taking place.

2. Sometime during June 27 – 29 someone took a bicycle from the garage of a residence on 25th near Denny. There was no forced entry into the garage and it appears that the burglar took the bicycle while the garage was being cleaned up. The robbery wasn’t reported to the police until July 6.

3. During the night of June 29 – 30 a burglar gained entry at a restaurant on Madison near MLK and took two digital devices and $1,400 in cash. The police and an employee were unable to find any evidence that there had been a forced entry into the restaurant and the employee reported although he was sure that a front door deadbolt was locked when he closed the business the previous evening, he found it unlocked that morning. The business owner told police that she planned to add a security system to the business. The police found no fingerprints at the scene.

Finally, a robbery and an armed assault were reported during June.

At around 10 PM on June 6 police received complaints about a vagrant sleeping on a sidewalk on 19th near Pine. After arriving at the scene, the police found the alleged vagrant at a nearby bus stop and he told them he had been the victim of an armed robbery that had taken place on 19th at around 6 PM that day. The victim told the police that the robber had demanded his wallet, which contained $50 and two debit cards, and threatened him with a knife while doing so. At one point during the altercation the robber thrust his knife at the victim and when he tried to ward it off with his hand he had sustained a cut from the knife. The victim refused to tell the police what had happened after he had been robbed.  

A unit from the fire department arrived to tend to the victim’s wound.

On June 17 at approximately 7 PM police responded to a report of an armed assault that had just taken place on E. 24th near Gayler. The victim told police that he had been driving north on 23rd and had stopped for the light at Madison when another vehicle stopped extremely close alongside his. When the light changed and the vehicles started moving, he heard bumping noises at which point the driver of the other car started driving erratically and yelling at him. Both vehicles continued driving north on 23rd, but after they had stopped at another red light at 24th and Galer, the driver of the other vehicle angrily pointed a handgun at him. Just then the light changed and the assailant continued to follow the victim’s car until they reached E. Lynn, at which point the assailant turned east. The victim gave the police a description of the assailant’s car and its license number.


Lowell Hargens is a Madison Valley resident and former University of Washington professor of sociology specializing in the statistical analysis of data.


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Harrison Ridge Greenbelt Gardening Party


Please come out to help preserve Madison Valley’s only natural park. We will be doing light weeding and spreading mulch. Wear comfortable shoes, long pants and a long sleeve shirt. All tools and snacks provided.


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Saturday, July 15, 10 AM to noon.
32nd Avenue East between E John and E Denny
Signs will be posted


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Ned Knows It's Never Too Late


Ned Porges has never recovered from missing the deadline for becoming an Eagle Scout. One badge shy of the requirements, he turned 18 and aged out. He doesn’t do well with incompletion. For the last two years, Ned has worked doggedly to complete his education. At the age of 76, he received his PhD from the University of Washington, 38 years after beginning his studies there.

Ned’s educational trajectory did not flow easily. As an undergrad at the University of Denver, he didn’t finish his degree in hospitality/tourism but learned enough to be hired in the industry. A few years later, family encouraged him to complete the last few quarters. With his newly minted B.S. degree in hand, he hopped aboard his motorcycle and hightailed it for California.

In Los Angeles, Ned landed a job with the food service department of United Airlines and got married. He followed his new wife to Virginia for her MSW studies and decided to pursue a MBA degree. Part of his experience in grad school was working as a teaching assistant for the 101 business class and he realized teaching was a good fit.

Family in Seattle beckoned the couple and Ned began his teaching career. Initially, WSU hired Ned as an assistant professor for their Seattle extension and later he moved over to Highland Community College. He would stay there for 16 years. During this time, the college insisted on a PhD to continue in his position. The University of Washington admitted him as a doctoral candidate and he began his studies anew. However, life intervened. With 4 kids and a mortgage he could not finish his degree. Ned had completed all of his course work but was lacking the dissertation.

After a time, Highland discontinued the program he was teaching and Ned found a new career in Real Estate. Twenty-two more years passed.

As Ned journeyed into his 70s, he began to look at his life’s legacy. He compiled a bucket list of goals. One seemed insurmountable: the completion of his PhD. Undaunted, he spontaneously met with UW Dean Marty Howell and found a supportive advocate. The College of Education accepted his previous coursework and formed a doctoral committee to guide him.

Although UW waived the usual requirement of seven years limit for doctoral completion, Ned was given no additional special treatment. He toiled endlessly with revisions for two very long years. He struggled with the limited stamina of older age. He learned that students no longer used index cards and yellow stickies to organize notes. Microsoft Office was a mystery. Guided through a tutorial by his daughter, Norah, he finally got onboard as a “Modern Student.”

On June 6, 2017, Ned, accompanied by his supportive wife, Phyllis, presented his dissertation to his committee. His research paper looked at the political impact of international travel as an educational experience. Specifically, he studied “The Grand Tour” of Europe popular in the 1800s, the Birthright tour of Israel, and the experience of World’s Fairs. He was grilled with questions and comments and then told to wait outside while they discussed their decision.

Ned and Phyllis paced the hall with nervous anticipation. The door opened. His advisor, Dr. Joy Williamson-Lott smiled. “Please come back in Dr. Porges.” He had done it. 


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Ned and his advisor, Dr. Joy Williamson-Lott at his graduation


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JULY 9, 2017 | -
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Call for Entries


Applications are being accepted for this year’s Madison Park Art Walk. The deadline is July 17. Contact the promoters at [email protected]


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Facebook: MadisonParkArtWalk


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Parade and Picnic In Madison Park on Saturday


The Madison Park Business Association is sponsoring a parade and picnic in Madison Park on Saturday, July 8. Bring the kids and meet your neighbors!


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11:45 AM
Parade lineup at Wells Fargo. Kids welcome in costume, decorate your wagons, bikes, pets, etc.

12 Noon
Parade begins! Follow the firetruck to Madison Park!

12:15 PM
Madison Park Festivities
Complimentary picnic with pizza, hotdogs, beverages, treats, games, and lots of fun!

Sidewalk Sale: July 6–9


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Give Blood on Saturday


The Bloodmobile will be accepting blood donations in Madison Park on Saturday. For questions about eligibility, please call 800-398-7888.




Saturday, July 8
10 AM to 4 PM (closed noon to 1 PM)


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Mark your calendars for Bastille Day Celebrations in Madison Valley


Bonjour Gourmands! Here are two great options for celebrating Bastille Day, Friday July 14th:

Luc Bistro

Luc’s annual Bastille Day celebration would be a wonderful time to get your family out in the sun for a cookout. There will be live music, refreshing drinks, and of course, a delicious buffet with Chef Thierry manning the grill.


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You can pre-reserve your tickets for this fabulous family event here

Buffet meals will be available for all attendees who purchase tickets. Pre-reserve your tickets before July 10th for $25 adult tickets and $15 for children under 12 years old. Tickets sold at the door will be $30 for as long as they last. All payments will be taken at the door, but pre-reserving your tickets guarantees entry. 

Drink tickets will also be available for purchase for $7 (non-alcoholic drinks $3.50).

2800 E Madison St Seattle, WA 98112
Friday, July 14th
4:30 – 9:30 pm

Price: $25 adults, $15 children under 12 (if pre-reserved before July 10th)
$30 at the door day of.
For questions, please email Jason ([email protected])

Post on our website: Luc’s Annual Bastille Day Celebration
Facebook Event: FB Event

Twitter: @chefinthehat
IG: chefinthehat



You can also celebrate Bastille Day at Voilà! Bistrot. Chef Laurent Gabrel is preparing a special Bastille Day Dinner. His three-course prix fixe menu, including turbot filet, grilled beef brochettes with bacon, and bouillabaisse highlight the flavors of summer in the south of France. 


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Voilà! Bistrot
2805 E Madison St, Seattle, WA
Friday, July 14th
4:30 to close
$49 per person
Be sure to make a reservation online or call us directly.

Please note that our regular dinner menu will not be available on this day.


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