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A New Spot for Brunch in the Valley


We’re expanding our hours at Two Doors Down to include a neighborhood weekend brunch from 9 am to 1 pm, beginning on December 5th. Our entire menu will be available for those who can’t pass up a burger, but we’re adding some traditional — and not so traditional — morning fare.

Anyone with a sweet tooth will love our ciderhouse donut holes — made on the premises with gluten-free ingredients (including regionally-sourced craft cider), dusted with cinnamon sugar, and served warm with ginger-apple butter and our own jam.

Folks who want a more substantial breakfast can choose our breakfast sandwich (think fried egg, bacon and our signature hop-garlic mayo), corn griddle pancakes, French toast or the ultimate hangover halter — The Breakfast Poutine, made with southern-style white gravy, crumbled bacon, and loads of cheese curds.

Two Doors Brunch

Beer and mimosas will be available at open and we’re also serving bottomless mugs of Stumptown coffee, fresh OJ, and hot tea for those who require more than a breakfast IPA in order to jump-start the day.

The Seahawks take on the Vikings on Sunday, December 6th at 10 am and we’ll have the game on both TVs. Go Hawks!!

Two Doors Down
Weekends from 9 am – 1 pm
E. Madison at John St.


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Madison Valley Merchant Association Changes Format for 2016


Yesterday, a new course was set for the Madison Valley Merchants Association. Moving forward, the focus of the association will be as an educator and a connector.  

What does this mean?

In 2016, the Association will meet officially on the following three dates (no additional meetings the rest of 2015):

February 17, 8:30 am, at Cafe Flora. At this meeting we will focus on Madison Valley Spring Clean and making Madison Valley a Business Improvement Area (a real value for the businesses).

May 18, 8:30 am, at Cafe Flora. At this meeting the plan is to have representatives from Seattle Office of Economic Development and Small Business Administration to discuss what resources are available for businesses in the area. 

September 21, 8:30 am at Cafe Flora. At this meeting we will focus on HOW TO when it comes to Social Media. This will be a BIG help for all businesses to create more business.

In addition to these three calendar dates, the goal will be to mix in a cocktail/happy hour or two so we can continue to share ideas and resources to keep this important business corridor active and thriving!

A big thank you to Lindy Wishard and Nat Stratton Clarke who tirelessly support this Association!  

Also discussed at today's meeting, the Triangle is back in action thanks in large part to Cathy Nunneley's leadership (thank you!). 

And to all of you who will join us again or for the first time in February, we look forward to your positive energy in the new year!

About the Merchants Association

Madison Valley Merchant Association Meetings are open to all merchants and residents and we welcome all participation. 

To join the association please visit: and click on the Membership Form. 


The Madison Valley Merchants Association (MVMA) was established in 2005 as a non-profit organization out of recognition that businesses could be more successful if we worked together toward common goals and objectives. We recognized that we were an integral part of the Madison Valley community. We understood that a thriving business district would provide a valuable resource to the residents of Madison Valley and surrounding neighborhoods. We recognized that we had the best opportunity to succeed if the residents and merchants of Madison Valley worked together as a community.

Mission Statement

Promote and sustain the business and residential community of Madison Valley
Provide an environment where businesses can work together to succeed and flourish
Promote efforts for neighborhood identification and beautification
Provide networking opportunities for merchants
Promote marketing and business building opportunities

Vision Statement

We envision a merchants association where business owners, property owners and residents work together toward increased beautification, profitability and sustainability.

Geographical Boundaries

The geographical boundaries of the MVMA are:

East Madison Street from 23rd Avenue to 32nd Avenue.
East Denny to the south.
East Helen Street to the north


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Notable Residents: Sandy Haight


Artist Sandy Haight is a resident of Madison Valley. In addition to having her design being selected for the Tulip Festival poster in 2016, she designed the banners that were previously hung along East Madison Street in Madison Valley.


Last year I was chosen to create the artwork for the 2016 Skagit Valley Tulip Festival poster,” Sandy said. “They honored me in a big way, as this painting creates the identity for next spring’s festival. This kind of attention is an unusual occurrence for artists and illustrators who usually hide quietly and invisibly behind their work hoping someone notices the 6-point byline credit on a painting’s border. I was interviewed by the Skagit Valley Herald before the ceremony. Here’s the story they published the next morning about the event.”


The original painting, a 20″ x 24″ watercolor, is on display at the Tulip Festival offices in Mt. Vernon, WA. 

Sandy Haight Fine Art
Art Blog:
Etsy Shop
Archival Prints


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October 2015 Police Reports


There were 58 incidents in Madison Valley that were reported to the police during October, up from 49 in September. This increase was due to modest increases in vehicle theft and property damage/graffiti. The number of burglaries was higher than average for the third straight month and there was an aggravated assault and two robberies.


There were ten burglaries reported during October, but the police have posted detailed descriptions of only five of them.

1. Sometime between the mornings of Oct. 7 and 8 a burglar stole packages from the mail room at an apartment building on 19th near Mercer. The mail room is visible through the front door of the building and when open its contents are visible from the sidewalk in front of the building. The stolen packages contained $30,000 worth of medical equipment and two scarves. There is a security camera in the area but its contents were not immediately available to the police.

2. On Oct. 9 there was a forced entry burglary at a residence on 27th near Pine but no description has been posted.

3. Sometime during the night of Oct. 13–14 a burglar entered a construction site on Union near 23rd and stole twelve rolls of copper wire and other construction materials worth approximately $1300. The burglar, who apparently climbed over the fence surrounding the construction area, caused no damage and left no evidence behind.

4. Shortly after noon on Oct. 17 there was a burglary at the Safeway at Madison and 22nd, but the police have not posted a description of this event.

5. On Oct. 19 at around 11 PM there was a non-forced entry burglary at a residence on 19th near Prospect, but no description has been posted.

6. On Oct. 20 at around 4 AM there was a forced-entry burglary at a residence on 19th near Prospect, but no description has been posted.

7. On Oct. 22 there was a non-forced entry burglary at a garage associated with a nonresidential building on Republican near 22nd, but no description has been posted.

8. Sometime between 8 AM and 5:30 PM on Oct. 22 a burglar entered a home on 24th near Howell by throwing a rock through a window next to the front door. The burglar took $80 in cash, and computer and gaming equipment worth approximately $750. Police found fingerprints at the scene.

9. Also on Oct. 22, police were called to a residence on 24th near Thomas at 9 PM to investigate an apparent burglary as evidenced by a window that had been smashed open. After notifying the resident, police searched the home and found fingerprints on a door handle. When the resident arrived he found that a violin worth $100 had been taken.

10. On Oct. 23 there was a non-forced entry burglary at a nonresidential location on 31st near Harrison, but no description has been posted.

There was also an aggravated assault, an armed robbery, and an incident that may be classified as an armed robbery during October.

1. At around 9 AM on Oct. 15 a man was threatened by another man who called him a faggot and threatened him with a cane at the bus stop on Madison near MLK. After taking a picture of his assailant, the victim walked away and the assailant boarded a bus and left the area. The victim reported that the same person had threatened him at the same location with a knife last May. A witness gave police information about the assailant's identity.

2. On Oct. 18th at about 6:30 PM an there was an armed robbery at a restaurant on Madison near MLK, but no detailed description has been posted.

3. On Oct. 23rd at about noon police were called to Madison and MLK to investigate a reported armed robbery. There they learned that the incident had started earlier at 4th and Pike where a couple had left a phone at a bus stop when they boarded a bus. When the couple returned to the original bus stop the phone was missing, so they activated a “find my cell phone” tracker and found that the phone was eastbound on Madison. Following the phone, the couple eventually traced it to a building on Madison near MLK, and upon entering the building they activated a “pinging” feature of the phone that made it clear that it was in the possession of a suspect who was meeting his case worker there. When confronted, the suspect demanded a finder's fee for the phone, but the victims refused to pay. After the case worker unsuccessfully tried to get the suspect to return the phone, the suspect left the building and walked southbound on MLK. One of the victims started following the suspect, at which point the suspect yelled “stop following me cracker,” approached him aggressively, and started swinging a cane at him. The follower maintained his distance but kept following the suspect, however, and after a short time the suspect removed the phone from its carrying case and smashed it to the ground. At that point the follower retrieved the phone and brought it back to the building on Madison. Meanwhile, the other member of the couple called the police and told them about the incident. She also informed them that the phone's carrying case contained her credit cards and cash as well as the phone. By the time the police arrived and had been informed of the goings on, the suspect had boarded a bus westbound on Madison. After further inquiry, the police learned that the suspect is from Iowa, has a record of arrests for harassment, and that he currently has a voucher to stay at a motel in Tukwilla. At the time of the police report the victims had not decided what kind of charges they would press against the suspect.


Lowell Hargens is a Madison Valley resident and former University of Washington professor of sociology specializing in the statistical analysis of data.


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Metro March 2016 Restructure Will NOT Impact Routes 8 and 11 (For Now)


I just got the news on Monday, November 16, that the 8 and 11 bus routes will NOT be impacted as part of March 2016 restructure. The plan was to have the buses turn north at 19th Ave East and East Madison, but Metro and SDOT have come to the conclusion that the turn is not practical or safe for the intersection. 

So we will have both buses, as is, meaning that users who wish to get to Light Rail will have the option of transferring at MLK to the Route 8, walking two blocks north on Broadway or catching the Light Rail downtown at Macy’s or Nordstrom’s. 

Riders of the current 43 will benefit since they will be able to catch the 8 going up East John/Thomas without the gap in service between 19th and 23 Ave East. 

I believe this is good news for all who use the 8, 11, and even the 43. Our next issue will be the impact of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on Madison stopping at MLK and not going to Madison Park. Given what we experienced with Metro in the last eight months we have every right to insist the BRT go to Madison Park and/or that we maintain adequate bus service to the Park.


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It's not just hair: AFH Salon participates in annual fundraiser for Mary’s Place


Every day, AFH stylists help people transform themselves through compassion, care and, of course, styling. The AFH team is excited and honored to contribute to Runway to Freedom 6 on November 19 - an event that will assist women, children and families in transforming their lives after escaping domestic violence.

Annie Fisher, AFH owner and stylist, will lead the hair team to insure another fabulously styled evening. The AFH Salon team will be there creating looks for the show as well. Roy Fisher, MA LMFT, AFH co-founder and visionary, will speak about his work in the domestic violence field.

“ ‘It’s not just hair’ is my mantra for styling. It’s not just vanity or style, but about providing an experience that will allow people to feel safe, cared for and help them through each season of their lives,” says Annie Fisher, “ We all have that power, and we’re excited to help Runway to Freedom do that in a big way by contributing our talent.”

Anyone can support this life-changing, life-saving mission. Runway to Freedom 6 is open to the public and takes place Thursday, November 19 at SoDo park featuring work by local designers - Zulily, Julie Danforth, House of Gina Marie, live music by Seattle rising stars - Kimberly Nichole, Jairemie Alexander and Draze - and a live auction. Tickets are still available, including VIP options that enter the buyer into a drawing for Macklemore concert tickets.


To purchase tickets:

Since 2010, Runway to Freedom has been raising awareness and funds for local domestic violence programs through social media and our annual fashion show, live auction, and raffle. This year’s event will benefit Mary’s Place, a local shelter that empowers homeless women and children to reclaim their lives by providing safe shelter, emotional support and services they need.

From left: Diana, Kelsey (stylist), Janelle, Annie Fisher (owner and stylist)


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Vegetarian Thanksgiving at Cafe Flora


Cafe Flora will be offering a vegetarian Thanksgiving menu. This hearty four-course meal comes with plenty of vegan and gluten free options! They also have a full kids menu that is totally vegan, gluten free and filled with kid-approved dishes.

Thanksgiving Menu


Jerusalem Artichoke Blini with Tieton Farm sheep camembert, date and bramley apple chutney (available vegan/gf)


Roasted Grapes, Heirloom Carrots, Baby Fennel & Frisee with citrus buerre blanc, crispy hominy (available vegan/gf)


Wild Mushroom and Chestnut Bread Pudding with porcini cream sauce and cranberry red onion marmalade, roasted parsnip, cabbage mashed potatoes
Delicata Squash Medallions with Cauliflower Walnut Pate with Satsuma cranberry chutney, Brussels sprout pecan gratin, sweet potato mash and bordelaise sauce (vegan/gf)


Booth Canyon Pear Ricotta Cheesecake with port gastrique
Pumpkin Pie with vegan caramel whip (vegan/gf)
Dark Chocolate Tart with candied cranberries (available vegan). 


Kids Menu
Vegan and gluten free

• Fried Cauliflower Bites with herbed dipping sauce
• Romaine Cups filled grapes, apple and celery and poppy seed dressing
• Mini Shepherds Pie filled with peas, carrots, squash and other winter vegetables, topped with Yukon gold mashed potato, and served with green beans and crispy onions, and cranberry sauce
• Pumpkin Pie with caramel whip

$65 for adults and $25 for children. Available by reservation only, with seating from 1 to 7:30 p.m. To reserve, call 206.325.9100 ext. 3 and for more information, visit Cafe Flora is located in Madison Valley at 2901 East Madison Street, Seattle.

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Break-in at Ascona Chocolat Suisse


During last night or early morning, Nov. 4th or 5th, time unknown, there was break-in at Ascona Chocolat Suisse, 2914 East Madison. The break-in was through the double-paned glass door, which was shattered.


Stolen were the cash register, a small amount of cash and computer equipment. No candy, which was in the display cases, was stolen. Seattle Police responded about 7:00 am. The shop did not have an alarm system.


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A New Women’s Clothing Boutique on Madison


A new clothing store, Lika Love, has moved into the old Paragon Fitness location between City People’s and Cafe Flora. The owner, Malika Siddiq, sends the background information below.


Lika Love is a women’s clothing boutique. We cater to women on the go: our pieces are transitional — you can wear an outfit during the day to run errands and then transition to night by adding one of our unique necklaces, handbags or accessories. The owner, a local gal, handpicks the inventory in the store, looking for quality merchandise that’s unique and affordable. This is her second brick and mortar; she also has a location in West Seattle. Next month we will celebrate our 2-year anniversary. 


We love to throw parties, and recommend booking a shopping party in one of the stores or letting us bring the truck to you to host a shopping party with your girlfriends! 

Lika Love
2921 E. Madison, Suite 2


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