At this month’s Madison Valley Community Council meeting, I will propose that the Council change its schedule from monthly meetings to one annual meeting, with additional sessions as needed.
Low turnout is the reason. At a typical council meeting only four to five people show up. There does not seem to be any widespread neighborhood interest in attending council meetings or tackling more significant community improvement projects.
Catherine Nunneley and I will continue to organize Sip & Dine events in the neighborhood. These social events are well attended and are a great way for neighbors to meet one another.
The Community Council will partner with the Merchants Association and local schools for the Madison Valley Spring Clean and this year’s Bastille event (which will NOT be the same event as in past years; another casualty of low volunteerism — more information on that to come).
We are trying our best to keep the website ( up and running, but even this is uncertain. Articles are written by volunteers (and our sincere thanks to them), but participation has been low generally. Without enough content there really isn’t a purpose for the site.
If residents have concerns, grant proposals, ideas, etc., they can contact me directly or attend the monthly Merchants Association Meeting, where I am usually in attendance and we cover most of the topics, troubles, and gossip as it relates to the Valley.