News of Madison Valley

Land Use Notices Madison Valley Area, March 14 — April 6, 2017


Here are the Seattle OPCD and SDCI Land Use notices in the land three weeks for communities from 18th Ave. to Lake Washington and E Union St. to SR-520.




510 19th Ave E - Design Review Board Meeting
Design Review Board second recommendation meeting on proposal for a 4-story building containing 8,500 sq. ft. of medical services uses on floors 1 and 2, and 8 apartment units on floors 3 and 4. Existing 2-story building to be demolished. Zone: Neighborhood Commercial 1-40′, Arterial within 100 ft., Urban Village overlay

February 22, 2017 6:30 p.m.
Seattle University
824 12th Ave
Stuart T Rolfe Room
Campus Map
Notice of Design Review


2320 E Union St - Public Hearing

Land Use Application to allow a six-story structure with a total of 115 apartment units above 3,264 sq. ft. of commercial space. Parking for 18 vehicles will be located within the structure. This project requires a contract rezone from Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 40′ height limit and pedestrian overlay (NC2P-40) and a Neighborhood Commercial 2 with a 40′ height limit — no pedestrian overlay (NC2-40) to a Neighborhood Commercial 2 with 65′ height limit and pedestrian overlay (NC2P-65). Existing structure to be demolished. Zone: Neighborhood Commercial 2-40′ Pedestrian, Arterial within 100 ft., Urban Village Overlay

The Director has determined that the proposed project is not likely to result in significant, adverse environmental impacts and has issued a Determination of Non-Significance (DNS) and recommends that the Seattle City Council approve the rezone. The project has conditional approval of Design Review 

A public hearing to take public comment on the Director’s recommendations and to establish the record for this application will be held at:

May 8, 2017 9:00 a.m.
Office of the Hearing Examiner City of Seattle
700 5th Avenue, Suite 4000
P.O. Box 94729
Seattle, WA 98124-4729

Notice of Decisions and Recommendation


111 26th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow one, 3-story, 4-unit rowhouse structure in an environmentally critical area. Parking for 14 vehicles to be provided, 7 for adjacent site at 115 26th Ave E. Existing structure to be demolished. To be considered with project #3026358 for shared access. Environmental review includes future unit lot subdivision. Zone: Potential slide area, Steep slope (>=40%), Lowrise-2

Notice of Revised Application


115 26th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow two three-story, two-unit townhouse buildings (four units) in an environmentally critical area. Covenant parking for seven vehicles will be provided on adjacent site at 111 26th Ave E. To be considered with project #3026334 for shared access. Environmental review includes future unit lot subdivision. Zone: Potential slide area, Steep slope (>=40%), Lowrise-2

Notice of Revised Application


1121 34th Ave

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into three parcels of land. Project also includes unit lot subdivision of Parcel C into three unit lots. The construction of live-work units and residential dwelling units have been approved under project numbers 6530489 & 6564978. This subdivision is for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the individual live-work and residential dwelling units. Development standards will be applied to the development site as a whole and not to each of the new lots and unit lots. Zone: Neighborhood Commercial 1-30′, Arterial within 100 ft, Lowrise-2

Notice of Application


123 26th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow a three-story, 4-unit rowhouse building in an environmentally critical area. Parking for four vehicles will be located within the structure. To be considered with project #3025258 for shared access. Existing single family residence to be demolished. Environmental review includes future unit lot subdivision. Zone: Potential slide area, Steep slope (>=40%), Lowrise-2

Notice of Application


119 26th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow a three-story, 4-unit townhouse building in an environmentally critical area. Parking for four vehicles will be located within the structure. To be considered with project #3027432 for shared access. Environmental review includes future unit lot subdivision. Zone: Potential slide area, Steep slope (>=40%), Lowrise-2

Notice of Application


134 26th Ave E

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into six unit lots. The construction of residential units is under Project #6498841. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots. Zone: Lowrise-2

Notice of Decision


3607 E Madison St

Land Use Application to allow a single-family residence with an attached garage. Granted variance to allow portion of principal structure to extend into required front yard. Zone: Arterial within 100 ft, Single Family 7200

Notice of Decision


2212 E Miller St

Land Use Application to allow a covered porch addition to a single-family dwelling unit. Granted variance to allow principal structure to extend into required front yard. Zone: Single Family 5000

Notice of Decision


Land Use Information Bulletins
Property & Building Activity Interactive Map 
Design Review Board
Buildings in Design Review Map


Topics: Construction