News of Madison Valley

Madison Valley Landmark Update


Madison Valley Landmark

The final designs for the Madison Valley Landmark are complete (view PDF). The project includes a redesign of the traffic triangle at the intersection of 28th Ave East and East Madison and a matching kiosk at the crosswalk between Jae’s and the dry cleaner. 

Monument Sketch

The next steps in the process are to get bids for the construction of the design, and raise the funds needed to build the landmark. Madison Valley has been awarded $100,000 from the Department of Neighborhoods to use toward construction. These funds will need to be matched with dollars and volunteer labor. 

If anyone would like to work on fundraising for this project please contact me


Crosswalk Repair on Madison

The crosswalk in front of Luc that ends in a tree will be repaired late Summer 2014. The tree will be removed. The sidewalk will be widened and the crossing signal will be repositioned. 


View design plans for the crossing.


Topics: Beautification, Community Planning