Minutes from the 3-18-15 meeting with Metro regarding the changes to bus routes.
Jeremy Fichter, Transportation Project Manager III is the lead from Seattle Metro on these changes. He met with community members to outline the bus proposals and to answer questions.
Please visit MadisonValley.org a description of the proposals.
Please visit Nextdoor.com to follow the dialog of citizen concerns.
Primary concerns for attendees at the meeting:
• Increased frequency of buses (every 10 min) will lead to traffic congestion and perhaps delays.
• Increased transfers to other buses, light rail, streetcars so less one seat rides to destinations.
• One seat rides overwhelming choice over increased frequency
• Safety when transferring and walking to other stops or one’s destination. Increased walking distances to shopping destinations so carrying purchases would be burdensome.
• Metro is very much encouraging use of ORCA cards for public transport. They are striving for a paperless system in future.
• Implantation of whichever plan is chosen will take place in 2016 after the light rail to UW and Capitol Hill street cars are operating.
Have a say:
Visit http://metro.kingcounty.gov/programs-projects/link-connections/
This website includes an online survey and a calendar of events so that you can plan to attend a community meeting.
DeAnna Martin
Community Relations Planner
[email protected]