News of Madison Valley

Old-Fashioned Banking Comes to Madison Valley


Sound Community Bank, a local bank of 50 years, has opened a lending office at the corner of East Madison and Lake Washington Blvd. in the Landmark Real Estate Building. 

The new location is not a bank, but a loan processing office specializing in a variety of lending services. Sound Community is a portfolio lender, which means it originates loans, and also holds a portfolio of its loans instead of selling them off in the secondary market. 

Many in Madison Valley may know David Raney, the VP & Residential Lending Manager. David grew up here and formerly worked at the Washington Mutual in Madison Park. David believes that local lending will be a good addition to the business environment, and tells us that Sound Community is enthusiastic about being part of the neighborhood.

We were particularly impressed that Sound Community made certain its signage wasn’t too obtrusive—a refreshing change from previous banks.

Residents and businesspeople with questions about home refinance, credit approval, construction loans, and the like are invited to stop in and visit the new Sound Community Bank. The office is at 3101 East Madison Street, and open Monday–Friday 9–5. Loans made locally just like an old-time bank.

Joshua Buckingham, Senior Residential Loan Officer
David Raney, VP & Residential Lending Manager

Topics: Local Publicity, Services