Mark your calendars to attend an open house on traffic safety improvements and potential routes for a neighborhood greenway connecting the Montlake and Madison Valley neighborhoods.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Bailey-Boushay House
Community Room 2720
E Madison St, Seattle WA 98112
Lake Washington Loop Neighborhood Greenway and Traffic Safety Improvements
Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) and the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) through the Neighborhood Park and Street Fund are partnering with the Arboretum Neighbors for Safe Streets and Madison Valley Greenways neighborhood groups to study traffic safety improvements and routes for a neighborhood greenway connecting the Montlake and Madison Valley neighborhoods. Join us at our first open house to share you ideas for this study on Wednesday, August 24th. We are eager to hear more from our fellow neighbors who who live, work, shop and play along these streets.
The Seattle Bicycle Master Plan recommends a neighborhood greenway along the Lake Washington Loop in the vicinity of 26th Ave E. and 28th Ave E, between East Harrison and Boyer Ave E. During the summer of 2016, we are studying potential neighborhood greenway routes, identifying traffic safety improvements and developing a conceptual design. This is a neighborhood-lead study and construction is currently not funded.
This is the first of two meetings on the neighborhood greenway. The first meeting shares traffic data and helps us understand where people want to walk and bike and barriers to doing so. At the second meeting we will share the results of technical analysis and public comment and the most promising route with recommended safety improvements.
Seattle is building a network of neighborhood greenways. Greenways are safer, calmer streets for you, your family and neighbors. On streets with low car volumes and speeds they can:
• Improve safety
• Help people cross busy streets
• Discourage cut-thru traffic
• Protect the residential character of our neighborhoods
• Keep speeds low
• Get people to where they want to go like parks, schools, shops, and restaurants
What is a Neighborhood Greenway?
Greenways include speed humps, speed limits of 20 mph, signs to help people find their way, stop signs at streets crossing the greenway, and a combination of flashing beacons, crosswalks, medians, or traffic signals at busy intersections. They do not include bike lanes and have minimal if any on-street parking impacts. Each location varies based on the streets unique characteristics.
If you have comments and ideas for this study, please share your feedback with the project team by emailing Lauren Squires at [email protected]
Project Website:
Arboretum Neighbors for Safer Streets:
Madison Park Greenways:
Department of Neighborhoods, Neighborhood Park and Street Fund: