News of Madison Valley

Summer Art Show!


New Works by Carla Dimitriou

Opening Reception:
Thursday, June 6 from 6 to 8 pm

Join us for great art, fun company and yummy snacks!

We're so pleased to present new paintings on paper and panel by one of our favorite local artists! The special relationship between animals and their humans is a constant theme in Dimitriou's work, which is characterized by expressive color and strong shapes.

Free for All Images - baas-june2019CatMan22x30.jpg

Cat Man, Mixed Media on Paper, 30" x 22"

Free for All Images - baas-june2019AlmostTime.jpg

Cookies??, Mixed Media on Paper, 30" x 22"

Baas Framing Studio

2703 E. Madison St, Seattle, WA 98112

206.324.4742 |

[email protected]


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