Seattle Neighborhood Summit is this Saturday April 5, 9 – noon, at the Seattle Center.
Come interact with elected officials, city departments, and each other. Learn how we can be more effective and share what is important to our neighborhood. I understand that over 400 people are registered and have filled out the survey, which has resulted in an exciting agenda that is now published on the website.
Childcare will be provided, and fun activities for children. Just note on the registration form that you are bringing your children. Even if you can’t make it, please fill out the survey. Between the networking and information at the event, and the survey results, our neighborhoods can be more effective in our abilities to work with each other and with the city government.
Please come to an open house Monday, April 14, 2014, 6 – 8 pm, at Miller Community Center.
How will Seattle be grow and be shaped for the next 20 years? Seattle 2035 is the yearlong project to update Seattle’s Comprehensive Plan, which addresses our housing, jobs, transportation, quality of life and environment. Alternatives are being studied now — that is where we come in. What are the important factors that make Seattle a great place to live and work? How should we grow? All comments are due by April 21 so the alternatives can be fully studied and the next phase of the process commence.
If you can’t attend the open house, but are interested in the current status, review this presentation, which has questions for consideration listed on page 43.
Send your comments about the alternatives or on the scope by email to or to, or by USPS using this form.