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Land Use Notices Madison Valley Area, July 1, 2018 – August 2, 2018


Here are the Seattle OPCD and SDCI Land Use notices and City planning activities in the last five weeks for communities from 18th Ave. to Lake Washington and E Union St. to SR-520.


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2925 E Madison St

Land Use Application to allow a six-story building consisting of 82 residential units above 25,850 sq. ft. of retail space, located at ground level. Parking to be provided for 140 vehicles at and below grade. Existing structure to be demolished.

Notice of Decision

Notice of Interpretation


1711 20th Ave

Land Use Application to allow 2, 4-story townhouse buildings, (8 units total). Parking for14 vehicles proposed. Existing building to be demolished.

Notice of Application


1715 20th Ave

Land Use Application to allow 2, 4-story townhouse buildings, 3-unit and 5-unit (8 units total). Parking for 2 vehicles proposed. Existing building to be demolished.

Notice of Application


115 27th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow a three-story, four unit rowhouse building. Surface parking for two vehicles provided at 113 27th Ave E. Existing structures to be demolished. To be considered with project at 113 27th Ave E for shared access and parking.

Notice of Decision


113 27th Ave E

Land Use Application to allow two, three-story single-family dwelling units. Existing structures to be demolished. Surface parking for two vehicles to be provided. To be considered with project at 115 27th Ave E for shared access and parking.

Notice of Decision


236 24th Ave E

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into three unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Decision


Land Use Information Bulletins– NEW
Permit and Property Records
Design Review Board
Buildings in Design Review Map


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