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Year-End Festivities at Cafe Flora


Cafe Flora is preparing special New Year’s Eve dishes, along with their annual New Year’s Day brunch buffet.

New Year’s Eve Dinner
In addition to their regular menu, Cafe Flora will offer a selection of seasonal appetizers and entrees, including Spicy Corn & Pepper Fritters, Roasted Cauliflower Salad, Mushroom Ravioli, and Citrus Polenta Cake.


Reservations are required for parties of six or more and can be made at 206.325.9100.

New Year’s Day Brunch Buffet
An annual tradition, Cafe Flora's brunch buffet menu is loaded with sweet and savory vegetarian and vegan favorites including, 

Housemade Pastries
Seasonal Tamales
Mushroom Strata
Crepes with ricotta cream cheese
Latkes with apple sauce
Hearty Winter Greens Salad

January 1, 2015, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. $25 for adults and $12.5 for children. Reservations are required for parties of six or more and can be made at 206.325.9100.


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November 2014 Police Reports


There were 69 Madison Valley incidents reported to the police in November, substantially higher than monthly average for the year so far. Car prowl and vehicle thefts were once again the most numerous kind of incident and increased a bit compared to previous months, but burglaries, with twelve reports during November, showed the biggest jump in prevalence.

1. During the night of Nov. 9–10 someone smashed in the glass front door of a business on Union near 20th and stole approximately $600 in cash and computer equipment. Although there are surveillance cameras on the building, the business owner did not know whether they were functioning at the time of the burglary. No fingerprints were found at the scene.

2. While investigating the above burglary during the morning of Nov. 10, police discovered that there had been another forcible-entry burglary during the previous night at a specialty store on Union near 24th. The burglar apparently took only a tablet computer, and no fingerprints were found.

3. Police were called on Nov. 10th to investigate a burglary on 29th Ave. E. near Denny that occurred during the late afternoon of that day. The burglar apparently broke into the house via a window or door in the basement and then stole $400 worth of items, including jewelry and a watch.

4. Also on Nov. 10, and at about the same time, a burglar entered a residence on 24th near Union by forcing open a rear window. The burglar stole $500 worth of digital devices, tip money and 1/8 oz. of marijuana, but left no fingerprints.

5. On Nov. 13 police were called to a residence in the 2900 block of E. Madison to investigate a burglary that occurred sometime between 11 AM and 11:45 PM that day. The burglar apparently entered through an unlocked kitchen window and then stole approximately $1700 worth of property. Police found no fingerprints at the scene.

6. Sometime between 7PM and 9PM on Nov. 14 a burglar gained entry to a home on Roy St. near 26th by unfastening the screws holding the mail slot in place and then reaching inside to unlock the deadbolt of the adjacent door. The police report does not list the items stolen, which had an approximate value of $500, but does report that several stolen purses were recovered in a neighbor’s driveway, and that the neighbor also found a screwdriver and knife that the burglar apparently used in gaining access to the home. The police have submitted these tools to the Police Department’s Evidence Unit to search for possible fingerprints.

7. On Nov. 16 police were called to a townhouse on 24th near Union to investigate a possible burglary. The owner, who was out of the country, had asked a friend to periodically check the residence, and on the 16th the friend called the police when he found the home in disarray. The police found that an intruder had entered the home by smashing a sliding glass door in the rear of the building and also found evidence that the intruder had been living in the home for a while. Although the friend believed that the burglar had taken a flat screen TV from the home, he and the police were unable to determine if any thing else was missing, or indeed whether some of the items in the house belonged to the intruder. Police found fingerprints in the home and also interviewed neighbors, one of whom reported seeing an unfamiliar man leaving the area with a blue plastic bag earlier in the day.

8. On Nov. 17 two residents of a building on 21st near Denny reported that between Nov. 15 and 17 someone had broken into their storage closet at the front of the unit and stolen approximately $600 worth of camping equipment. The police found no fingerprints.

9. Also on Nov. 17 a burglar attempted to enter the same residence on 24th near Union that was burglarized on Nov. 10. The burglar attempted to pry open the same window used in the previous burglary, but failed to get it open. Although the burglar failed to gain entry, the police were able to find fingerprints and believe that the same person was involved in both incidents.

10. Sometime during the day on Nov. 17, a burglar pried open a bedroom window at the back of a residence on 32nd Ave. near Thomas and stole camera equipment and a gaming console. Although the home was occupied by a large dog, the burglar succeeded in confining the dog in the kitchen during the burglary.

11. On Nov. 23 residents who had been out of town over the weekend returned to their home on 27th near Howell around 11 PM to find the front door unlocked, kitchen cabinets open, and other signs that someone had been present while they were away. After calling the police and waiting until they determined that one else was present, the residents found that various items, including computer and entertainment equipment, liquor, cash, passports and cameras were missing. They also determined that the burglar had entered by forcing open a sliding glass door at the rear of the residence. Police found fingerprints at the scene.

12. There was a non-forcible entry burglary on Nov. 25 at a business on Madison near 31st St., but the police have not posted a detailed description of this event.

There was also one robbery and one attempted robbery during November.

1. On Nov. 9, at approximately 9:30 PM, a woman and two men approached a customer at a gas station at the corner of 23rd and Union and told him to hand over his car keys. After threatening the victim with a knife, one of the males punched the him in the shoulder, ripped his keys from his hand, and then used the keys to hit him in the eye. After they left with his keys, the victim tried to call 911 from a public phone at the gas station, but it was out of order. According to the victim, a clerk from the gas station then came outside but refused to call 911 and told him to leave the premises. After being taken home by an acquaintance, the victim went to Harborview Hospital the next morning because his eye was swollen shut. Unfortunately, the victim could not give a detailed description of his assailants. The manager of the gas station told the police that the station was monitored by a video camera, but was unable to give the police the video record. (It would seem that there is more to this incident than the information contained in the police report.)

2. On Nov. 14 an employee at the Safeway store at 22nd and Madison noticed a man, whom she had seen a few minutes earlier filling his shopping cart with laundry supplies, pass by the cash registers without paying and carrying a full backpack. When she followed and tried to grab his backpack, the man shoved her away and then attempted to punch her. Seeing the altercation, another employee rushed over and grabbed the backpack, which tore open and spilled out six bottles of laundry supplies. The shoplifter/robber then fled without the backpack and was last seen heading north on 19th Ave. Store surveillance cameras recorded the incident and on the basis of the camera footage and a name in a Bible that was also contained in the backpack, police have tentatively identified a suspect.

Additional information can be found at the SPD’s police reports website.


Lowell Hargens is a Madison Valley resident and former University of Washington professor of sociology specializing in the statistical analysis of data.


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Holiday Lights Funding Appeal


Each year the Madison Valley merchants jointly fund the installation of twinkle lights in the trees along Madison Street. The lights are festive, add to the holiday spirit, and bring some cheer to the winter gloom. The additional visibility promotes public safety as well.




Having the lights installed and maintained, however, is very expensive — this year the cost will be $12,000. So far we’ve raised only $3,600. If you enjoy the holiday lights, please donate to the Madison Valley Holiday Lights Fund. 

Any amount is greatly appreciated. You can pay online via PayPal, or send a check to the association’s mailing address. Thank you for helping beautify the neighborhood.

PayPal: Go to and click on the Support button in the right column of the home page. 

USPS: Mail your donation to:
Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112


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Seattle Metropolitan Glee Club Annual Holiday Concert


This Tuesday, December 16th, The Seattle Metropolitan Glee Club performs its annual holiday concert, entitled “Journey into Winter”. The concert will be held at Epiphany Church, 1805 38th Avenue in Madrona, and begins at 7:00 p.m. The suggested donation for admission is $10.00.

A women’s choral group with members from Madison Valley and all over the greater Seattle area, the Seattle Metropolitan Glee Club is part of a non-profit organization based in West Seattle. The goal of the members is to have fun singing wonderful and diverse pieces of music while increasing their understanding of music and having fun at the same time. The Seattle Glee Clubs is a 501( c ) 3 non-profit and consists of two different singing groups - the all-women’s group (known as the Met) and the Offbeats, a vocal jazz group.


Every year, the Metropolitan Glee Club performs concerts in December and June, with additional performances at retirement homes around the city. This fall, the group sang at Aegis Living on Madison and Bridge Park in High Point. Consistent participants, the women also sang in the annual Figgy Pudding Caroling Contest downtown, to benefit the Pike Place Senior Center and Food Bank.

Giving back to the community which supports the organization is important. At the concert on December 16th, the Glee Club will be collecting donations of hats, scarves, socks and mittens for Mary’s Place, a charity which supports homeless women and children. 

After the first of the year, the Met will be holding auditions for those interested in singing with a wonderful group of women. For more information on the Seattle Glee Clubs and auditioning, please visit their website:


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Tours of McGilvra Elementary


McGilvra Elementary will hold three tours this school year for prospective families.  These tours will be December 12th, January 16th, and May 1st.  Parents will have the opportunity to tour the school, see a classroom in action and speak with parents who will be tour guides. 

McGilvra Elementary School

Tours begin in the lunchroom at 10:00 AM and last approximately one hour.  
If you are interested in participating in one of the tours, please call 206-252-3160 or e-mail [email protected] to reserve a space on a tour.


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Reading Tutor Position Available at McGilvra


McGilvra Elementary School has a position open for a one-on-one reading tutor. 

Sound Partners Reading Tutor
18 hours/wk (approx. 9:30 am–2:00 M-Th) paid position

This is a position that makes an enormous positive impact on our students who are developing reading skills! Training and on-going guidance are provided. Applicants should have experience working with young children, and references of such. Position may also include recess supervisory responsibilities. Consistency and reliability throughout the year are a must. 


For more details, please contact Jennifer Carr, McGilvra Reading Specialist: [email protected]

Please send resume and references to McGilvra Elementary Principal, Maria Breduer:


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Dr. Jenn’s Health Tips: Ways to Combat Holiday Stress


Holidays are a time for spending time with family and friends, spreading joy and giving back to the community. But sometimes the season can also bring tension, worry or anxiety about holiday expectations and obligations. Start practicing these healthy habits that can help minimize holiday stress–and keep them up throughout the year!

The Basics: Sleep, eat, exercise, repeat

Reserve enough time for sleeping. Without adequate sleep, our perception of stress is blown out of proportion. Keep lavender spray by your bed to promote a relaxing environment, or even add a couple drops of lavender essential oil under your pillow at night.

Try to fuel yourself with healthful foods, rather than grabbing the carb-heavy, sugar-filled foods that we often gravitate towards in times of stress. Nutritious foods like fruits and vegetables provide the building blocks for the important neurotransmitters and hormones we need to deal with stress.

Don’t forget to continue your regular exercise routine. Exercise produces endorphins that ward off negative feelings while keeping us mentally centered and grounded. 

Breathe in, breathe out

When you find yourself getting worked up, try to focus on your breathing. Inhale for 5 seconds, followed by a 5-second exhale, and repeat. The goal is not to bring more oxygen in, but to slow your breathing. 

For added benefit, consider using an essential oil diffuser filled with lavender, rose or clary sage. These are especially helpful while practicing breathing exercises or meditation at home. 

Take your vitamins

If you’re not already taking a B-complex, consider starting one. In times of stress, B vitamins are often depleted, so replenishing your body’s resources is important. There are even B-complex formulas specifically designed to help you deal with stress. 

Another supplement to try: magnesium. Whether consumed in a powder or capsule form, magnesium helps us to calm down and release the tension stored in our muscles. Drink a warm cup of magnesium “tea” at night for the added benefit of a good night’s sleep!

Lastly, vitamin D is a great way to support energy production, immune and bone health, and help prevent seasonal-related mood issues.

Utilize support herbs

Adaptogenic herbs can help your body adapt to stress, and support positive responses to stressors. Some adaptogens include ashwaghandha, rhodiola, holy basil and maca. Purchase these herbs in capsule, tincture or tea forms, as a single herb or a combination product.

If stress has you feeling excessively worried and anxious, reach for nervine herbs. These work with your central nervous system to calm you down and restore emotional balance. Look for nervines such as lemon balm, passionflower, skullcap and chamomile.

As always, certain medications may interact with some herbs. Make sure to check with a health care professional before beginning a new product with potential interactions. 

Stop in to the Madison Park Pharmaca and check out products that can help you deal with the stress of the holiday season and throughout the year. Our helpful staff can direct you to the items that work best for your individual needs. Happy holidays!


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