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Firefighter Training in Madison Valley


Since Monday, Seattle firefighters have been setting up at the intersection of 28th Ave East and East Roy Street.

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The firefighters are conducting a “training burn” at this location, an exercise that allows firefighter trainees to practice putting out fires. The officer in charge told me they have one instructor for every trainee onsite. It’s an opportunity for the trainees to work with live fire in a controlled setting.

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And there are fire trucks and safety equipment set up around the perimeter of the training site to put out a fire should something go wrong.

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The house on the site been vacant for the past several years, and owners Andy Morris and Lynne Salkin plan to tear down the structure and build a new home there.

“Our insurance agent told us that fire departments are sometimes looking for vacant homes to practice on. We loved the idea and I contacted the fire department last spring,” said Lynne. The fire department then went into the house and prepared it for the training. They worked for a full week rebuilding walls, venting the roof, and building new doors. “It was very exciting to pull up on Monday morning and see the training in action. It’s certainly not every day that you’re happy to see smoke pouring out of a house you own!”

“It is really encouraging to see how seriously the FD takes their training. It gives me a lot of confidence as a resident of Seattle that we are supported by highly qualified first responders,” said Andy. “The men and women working the scene each day, from the most junior recruit to high-level officers such as Captains and Lieutenants, have a true passion for community relations. They patiently explain firefighting techniques and fire safety to spectators. They encourage neighbors young and old to observe and to ask questions. They show off their equipment. It is really impressive to see the pride they have in serving the community!”



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Pets of Madison Valley October 2018


Pets of Madison Valley returns! Here are some furry friends as they visit All the Best Pet Care on Madison.

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Ada loves to come in for treats and pets.

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Bentley loves to come in for snacks on his evening walks.

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Brothers Fritz (top pic) and Gizmo (bottom pic) checking out the No-Hide selection.

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Our regular, Mac brings in his neighbor Guinness for snacks

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Vivi is always super excited to come in for snacks!

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• New Zealand sourced and produced
• with Green-lipped Mussel for joint health
• feed as a meal, treat or topper

See this and other special offers from All The Best pet food and supplies.

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Holiday Lights Funding Update


Dear Neighbors,

I was driving home from downtown last night at sunset, and I couldn’t get over how wonderful the holiday lights look. This magical sparkle is one of my favorite parts of living here during the winter; I just can’t imagine it being dark and dreary.


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The cost for this year’s lights (install, maintain, and remove) is $8,800. So far, unfortunately, we’ve received very few donations to the lighting fund. Please donate something to cover your share of this beautiful addition to the season.

Send a check to:

Madison Valley Merchants Assoc.
4111 East Madison St. #290, Seattle WA 98112

Or pay online: Click the Donate button on the Madison Valley home page (

If you have any questions about the Holiday Lights, send an email to lindy at madisonvalley dot org.

I hope everyone has a safe Halloween, and a joyful holiday.



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Public Meeting About the Montlake Market Property


The Washington State Department of Transportation will host a public meeting to share information about the status of WSDOT’s acquisition of the property where the Montlake Boulevard Market and the 76 gas station are located. The topics below will be discussed and an opportunity for public feedback will be provided.

• Overview of the upcoming Montlake Project elements and schedule

• Factors driving the project’s need for the property

• How WSDOT is working to address a 2018 legislative directive, which states in part: “The department [WSDOT] shall work with its design-build contractor to ensure to the maximum extent practicable that the building housing any grocery store or market currently located on parcel number 1-23190 will be preserved.”

Meeting details:

Wednesday, Nov. 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Location: St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
2100 Boyer Ave. E., Seattle, WA 98112

Limited free parking is available on site
Transit: Bus routes 43, 48, 255, 257, 311, and 545 serve the Montlake/SR 520 area; use King County Metro Trip Planner tool to find your route

WSDOT presentation at 5:45, followed by an opportunity for public feedback.


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What Happened to the Monthly Madison Valley Police Reports?


I’m sorry to report that unless the Seattle Police Department resumes reporting data on specific locations where incidents occur, it will be impossible to continue the monthly Madison Valley Police Reports series. During the past few months the SPD has been changing the system it uses to make data available to the public. This process has involved the creation of new databases which, unfortunately, specify only the general areas in which incidents occur. The SPD explains their new policy as follows:


“In an effort to safeguard the privacy of our community, offense reports will only be located to the ‘beat’ level. Location specific coordinates will no longer be provided. Beats are the most granular unit of management used for patrol deployment. In addition to the Departments patrol deployment areas, these data contain the ‘Neighborhood’ where the crime occurred, if available. This coding is used to align crime data with the Micro Community Policing Plan (MCPP).”


Unfortunately, the geographical systems that the SPD uses do not identify Madison Valley as a Seattle neighborhood. For example, below is a map of central Seattle showing the city-specified neighborhoods that comprise it. The black lines on the map show the boundaries of what the city identifies as two neighborhoods covering Madison Valley: Stevens/Miller Park to the north and Central District/Squire Park to the south.

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On this map I’ve also indicated in green the area that we have been using as a definition of Madison Valley. Neither of the two neighborhoods specified by the SPD nor their combination comes close to matching a reasonable delineation of Madison Valley. The same is true of the two SPD beats that cover our area (They are C2 and C3; you can see a map of the SPD beats here.)

As a result of these changes it is no longer possible to produce maps showing where in Madison Valley particular robberies, burglaries, etc. have taken place. It is also impossible to provide basic counts of the incidents that have occurred in Madison Valley. Thus, until the SPD recognizes Madison Valley as a neighborhood, or resumes giving detailed information about where incidents are occurring, it will be impossible to produce a monthly review of incidents in Madison Valley that have been reported to the police.

Lowell Hargens is a Madison Valley resident and former University of Washington professor of sociology specializing in the statistical analysis of data.


Editor’s Note: We want to thank Lowell for his hard work on the Police Reports column over the last five and a half years. Through his efforts, Madison Valley residents have been made more alert to the issues of safety and crime. Thank you, Lowell!


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Holiday Lights 2018 Call for Contributions


Winter is approaching, but East Madison St will be lit up with holiday lights, chasing away the gloom.


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Holiday Lights is a neighborhood beautification project sponsored by the Madison Valley Merchants Association. Each year the lights are paid for with the generous contributions of merchants and residents in Madison Valley. The cost to put the lights up, maintain them during the holidays, and take them down again is $8,800. You can donate online using PayPal, or mail a contribution to the address below. If we all pitch in a little, we can make the season bright!

Send a check and make payable to:

Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 E. Madison Street #290, Seattle, WA 98112

To pay online, click the Support button near the green bird on the home page.


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Land Use Notices Madison Valley Area, September 1, 2018 - October 12, 2018


Here are the Seattle OPCD and SDCI Land Use notices and City planning activities in the last six weeks for communities from 18th Ave. to Lake Washington and E Union St. to SR-520.


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Accessory Dwelling Units

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)has been issued which examines potential environmental impacts of proposed changes to the City’s Land Use Code related to detached and attached accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in single-family zones. The Final EIS includes a Preferred Alternative for Land Use Code changes that address regulations and policies frequently cited as barriers to the creation of ADUs. 

Notice of Final EIS


2925 E Madison St

The City's Hearing Examiner has received an appeal of the Master Use Permit decision(s) to allow a six-story building consisting of 82 residential units above 25,850 sq. ft. of retail space, located at ground level. Parking to be provided for 140 vehicles at and below grade. Existing structure to be demolished. The Appeal Hearing will be held on at Monday, December 10, 2018 at 9:00 a.m. in the Office of Hearing Examiner, Suite 4000, on the 40th Floor of the Seattle Municipal Tower, 700 5th Avenue. Hearings are open to the public, but generally only those who are parties to the appeal and persons called by the parties as witnesses will have the opportunity to testify. 

Notice of Appeal Hearing


2450 Lake Washington Blvd E

Land Use Application to relocate a minor communication utility displaced by construction of expanded SR-520. Project includes a 125′monopole and equipment cabinets in WSDOT right-of way. Environmental documents prepared by WSDOT.

Notice of Application


2507 E Union St

Land Use Application to allow a 3-story, 7-unit rowhouse in two buildings. Parking for 4 vehicles proposed. To be considered with project at 2515 E Union for shared access. Existing buildings to be demolished.

Notice of Application


2515 E Union St

Land Use Application to allow 5, 3-story single family residences. Parking for 7 vehicles proposed. Existing buildings to be demolished. To be considered with project 2507 E Union for shared access.

Notice of Application


525 20th Ave E

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into five unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Application


115 27th Ave E

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into four unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Application


113 27th Ave E

Land use application to subdivide one development site into two unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Application


2724 E Union St

Land Use Application to subdivide one development site into four unit lots. This subdivision of property is only for the purpose of allowing sale or lease of the unit lots. Development standards will be applied to the original parcel and not to each of the new unit lots.

Notice of Application


Land Use Information Bulletins– NEW
Property & Building Activity Interactive Map
Permit and Property Records
Design Review Board
Buildings in Design Review Map


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