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Holiday Lights Fundraising Appeal


Friends and neighbors: those beautiful holiday lights on Madison St. are surprisingly expensive to install and maintain ($9k!). Your donation of any amount would help. If you enjoy the seasonal cheer, you can donate by web or mail. Thank you.

Free for All Images - holiday-lights-2017

PayPal: Go to and click on the Donate button on the home page near the green bird.

USPS: Mail your donation to:
Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112


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Help Turn on the Lights for the Holidays, Pt. 4


We've recently received another $1,000 from the Merchants Association, and another $500 from residents!

The Madison Valley Merchants Association is still raising funds for this season’s holiday lights. The lights on Madison add holiday cheer and safety to our neighborhood in the dark and dreary months. The cost of installation, maintenance, and removal of the lights is about $12,000 and we need to raise this amount soon!




Current amount raised: $6,401

Thanks to all who have contributed so far — if everyone would pitch in we could get it done! To donate online, click the Support button near the Green Bird on the home page of this site, and leave a note that the donation is for the lights. Or you can mail your contribution to:

Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112

We appreciate your help!

Post a Comment | Topics: Holidays

Help Turn on the Lights for the Holidays, Pt. 3


The Madison Valley Merchants Association is still raising funds for this season’s holiday lights. The lights on Madison add holiday cheer and safety to our neighborhood in the dark and dreary months. The cost of installation, maintenance, and removal of the lights is about $12,000 and we need to raise this amount soon!

We've recently received $3,380 from the Merchants Association.




Current amount raised: $4,901

Thanks to all who have contributed so far — if everyone would pitch in we could get it done! To donate online, click the Support button near the Green Bird on the home page of this site, and leave a note that the donation is for the lights. Or you can mail your contribution to:

Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112

We appreciate your help!


Post a Comment | Topics: Holidays

Help Turn on the Lights for the Holidays, Pt. 2


The Madison Valley Merchants Association is still raising funds for this season’s holiday lights. The lights on Madison add holiday cheer and safety to our neighborhood in the dark and dreary months. The cost of installation, maintenance, and removal of the lights is about $12,000 and we need to raise this amount soon!




Current amount raised: $1,521

Thanks to all who have contributed so far — if everyone would pitch in we could get it done! To donate online, click the Support button near the Green Bird on the home page of this site, and leave a note that the donation is for the lights. Or you can mail your contribution to:

Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112

We appreciate your help!


Post a Comment | Topics: Holidays

Help Turn on the Lights for the Holidays


The Madison Valley Merchants Association is raising funds for this season’s holiday lights. The lights on Madison add holiday cheer and safety to our neighborhood in the dark and dreary months. The cost of installation, maintenance, and removal of the lights is about $12,000, and we need to raise this amount before October 15.




You can help make the lights happen by contributing and encouraging others in the neighborhood to do so as well. If everyone would contribute we could get it done! We’ll update this graphic every so often so you can track the progress. To donate online, go to, click the Support button near the Green Bird, and leave a note that the donation is for the lights. Or you can mail your contribution to:

Madison Valley Merchants Association
4111 East Madison Street #290
Seattle WA 98112

We appreciate your help!


Post a Comment | Topics: Holidays

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