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5 Secrets to Becoming a Little Bit French!

MAY 7, 2013 | EDITOR

French native and local resident Virginie Blackmoor is offering a free introduction to the French language and culture at Luc restaurant.

Virginie has been teaching the French language for ten years in Europe and the US. She uses a natural learning method of role-playing and immersion in French culture and cuisine.

In describing her approach, she says, “I offer a different experience with both the French language and the culture of France. I use a great deal of caring and humor, which I have come to realize is an incredibly helpful learning tool. When you are relaxed, happy and connected, you open up, everything just sinks in and, most important, stays there.”

“Learning something new as an adult can be humbling, so my priority is to make you feel good about yourself. I do this by helping you focus on the positive while having fun. I’ve found that encouragement and kindness do wonders for everyone.”

You can sign up for the events at her website or phone her at 206 617-2716.


Logo French TrulyIntro

The best way to learn the French language is to explore and immerse yourself in French culture. French Truly invites you to go beyond the language and enjoy fascinating French experiences.

  • Improve your French through playful events
  • Explore the incredibly rich French culture  
  • Discover and enjoy delicious French food and wine

With French Truly, you can become a little bit French!

Move away from the standard language school format and come with us to enjoy a truly fun and fully comprehensive real French life experience, regardless of your level.


Virginie Teaching Class


1-French Discovery Group

Welcome to our free French Discovery group, designed to help you find out what French Truly is all about. Join us for conversation, play and tons of fun.

Who? Everybody welcome, regardless of language level

When? Every last Friday of the month from 11:30 am to 1 pm

Where? LUC - French restaurant in Seattle

This is a onetime experience only.


2-French Hands-on Experience

In this 1.5-hour class, we spend the first half learning theory and then we spend the second half putting it into practice through role-play. This is not only incredibly fun and bonding, it is also the best way to remember the theory. French food and drinks are included to provide more inspiration.

French Hands-on Example:

Let’s pretend we are learning what to do and say in a French restaurant, from the moment you enter to the moment you leave. Person A is the customer and person B plays the waiter. A and B play their roles covering all sorts of topics, from inquiring whether a table is booked, to asking about the food and ordering, to dealing with problems and paying the check. We always have a lot of fun playing this way and it is amazing how much you retain when you are truly involved in a scenario, rather than just listening to a teacher and taking notes.

Who? Beginner but welcome intermediate people looking for a brush up!

When? Every Thursday starting in June 2013, from 11:30 am to 1 pm

Where? French Restaurant LUC in Madison Valley Seattle


3-French Conversation

In this 1.5-hour guided conversation group, everybody gets a chance to speak about themselves and a chosen topic, and to ask other speakers questions. Unlike other conversation groups, our group offers themed topics to make sure everybody gets their say along with clear guidance and yummy French food and drinks. I am there to keep everyone on track, answer questions and clarify vocabulary, grammar or idiom issues as they arise.

Who? Intermediate but great for beginners looking for a helpful challenge!

When? Every Saturday starting in June 2013, from 10 am to 11:30 am

Where? French Restaurant LUC in Madison Valley Seattle


4-French Story Platform

The purpose of this event is to use a culturally rich French drama, documentary or set of interviews as a platform to discover and discuss French culture. I use a projector and big screen to give you a real cinema feel while practicing both listening and speaking skills. In each session, we learn about a certain era, event, region or artist, enjoying a completely new topic each week.

Sample Topics:

  • The artists of the Belle Époque and how their works matched the political and social events of their time
  • The rise of feminism in the twentieth century and its direct influences on fashion
  • The historical and culinary particularities of Provence
  • Great French icons and how they impacted the French people

Who? All levels welcome!

When? Every last Thursday of the month starting in June 2013, from 6:30pm

Where? To be confirmed


5-French Field Trip

Come and venture on a French Field Trip with our French community. Each time, we go on a different adventure to somewhere interesting and lively that gives us a wonderful opportunity to bond, practice our French, learn lots of new things and, most important, have fun!

Imagine spending a Sunday morning at Pike Place Market, stopping by the flowers, fruits and vegetables, describing everything we do and see in French, as if we were at a French market.

When we are done strolling, why not go to one of the nearby French cafes or boulangeries, eat a pain au chocolat, drink a chocolat chaud and chat? Very French!

For more information, please contact me directly. The price varies depending on our destination.


Virginie Blackmoor Large


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