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District 3 City Council Candidate Forum is On YouTube


160 voters turned out to learn where the five District 3 candidates stand on our issues. Thanks to all of the candidates, those who came out to hear them in person, The Bush School for hosting the event and the volunteers for staffing the event. The audience generated a solid set of tough questions for the lightning and long answer rounds. The waffles went over well enough that nobody had to be paddled. It turned out to be a great opportunity to get to know where the candidates stand on issues of importance to our district. Watch the event on YouTube.


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Candidate Forum Reminder


74 people have RSVP’d to attend the Candidate Forum on June 8. We still need another 12 volunteers to help. Can you spare an hour or two?

Please share the Facebook event page:

Seattle City Council District 3 Candidate Forum
Monday, June 8th, 7:00 PM
Bush School Auditorium
3400 E Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98112

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Seattle City Council Elections: Why This Year is Important


This is an unprecedented year in Seattle city politics. This fall, voting for Seattle City Council positions will be by district, a result of a measure Seattle voters passed in 2013. In the upcoming primary and general elections, voters will elect seven out of nine council members by district. The remaining two positions (8 and 9) will be elected “at-large” (citywide). All nine council members will be voted in this year, with the at-large positions having an initial 2-year term.

What does the council do?
The Seattle City Council is the lawmaking body of the city of Seattle, and as such has a great deal of impact on our day-to-day lives. Its nine members are elected to four-year terms in nonpartisan elections. It has the responsibility of approving the city’s budget, and also develops laws and policies intended to promote the health and safety of Seattle’s residents. The Council passes all legislation related to the City’s police, fire, parks, libraries, and electric, water, solid waste, and drainage utilities. The Council is responsible for transportation — both Metro and SDOT. The Council is responsible for laws related to building, development, and the City’s comprehensive plan. The Council is responsible for approving or rejecting increases to property taxes, auto taxes, and a host of other taxes. The council is also influential in legislation related to minimum wage, rent control, and a variety of other hot-button issues. 

What is the point of redistricting?
The idea behind redistricting is that each geographical district should have representation on the city council. That way if a neighborhood has specific needs from the city, in theory, they can go to their district representative to get assistance. 

What district are we in?
Madison Valley, Madison Park, Capitol Hill, Montlake, Madrona, Central District, and Leshi are all part of District 3. View map of District 3.

Which current council members are NOT running?
Sally Clark, Nick Licata, and Tom Rasmussen. Note: the other current council members will run in their districts or at-large. They would need to win a seat at the new council table. 

Who is running in our district? 

Pamela Banks
Morgan Beach
Rod Hearne
Kshama Sawant
Lee Carter

How do I learn more about the candidates running in District 3?

Madison Valley and Madison Park are hosting a District 3 Candidate Forum on June 8. The forum is free to the public. 

Seattle City Council District 3 Candidate Forum
Monday, June 8th, 7:00 PM
Bush School Auditorium
3400 E Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98112
Facebook Page

How do I volunteer to help with the candidate forum?
The candidate forum is being organized by community volunteers and we could use your help. 

To volunteer please sign up here.

Volunteer Opportunities:
Set Up Room
Sign In Table
Greet Guests
Greet and Assist Candidates
Put up posters in the community

When Are the Elections?
Primary is August 4, 2015.
Elections are November 3, 2015.


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