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Changes to the Madison Valley Website


At the Madison Valley website we’re in the process of expanding our coverage of news and events to include the surrounding neighborhoods, Madison Park in particular.

In this effort, we’d like to encourage more community participation. Anyone is welcome to write articles for the site, as long as they are relevant to the area and of general interest to our readers.

We are also accepting letters to the editor. Got an issue you’d like to raise? Send us your thoughts. All civil points of view are acceptable.

Businesses in the neighborhoods surrounding Madison Valley are welcome to add their listings to our Shopping, Dining, and Services pages, as well as post events on the Events calendar.

Also, if you have a job opening in the area, we can post the opportunity along with our regular news items.

Links for submitting news and events are on the website at, or you can email the editor directly. You can also subscribe to an email digest of our news items — go to the website and click on “Email” near the top of the news column.

We want our website to be your destination to find out what’s happening in and around Madison Valley. Contact the editor with questions or suggestions: [email protected].


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Get Madison Valley News in Your Email

MAY 13, 2015 | EDITOR

It's easy to get every article from this site in your email inbox. Just click the EMAIL link at the top of the news column. It will take you to a form where you put in your name and email address. Every day we post a new article, you'll get it in your inbox overnight.



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Our First Anniversary and An Appeal


It’s been a year since we launched the Madison Valley website, and we hope it’s proven worthwhile for our readers. This coming year we’d like to enlarge the scope and volume of our coverage, and to do that, we need you.

This website has no staff authors or reporters — we depend on people in the neighborhood to contribute. If you have a story relevant to Madison Valley readers, we want to publish it. Even better, we’d like regular contributors to report on their areas of interest or expertise.

If you’d like to try your hand at local journalism, following is a list of topics we think are worth covering. Your suggestions are welcome, too. Email Lindy Wishard to propose a topic or accept an assignment. 

Finally, if you have any other ideas to improve the site, we’d like to hear them. Use the comment feature, or send us an email.


Potential Article Topics


Real Estate Report. Are you a real estate agent in the Valley? We’d love to have you provide a regular column on sales and property values in the neighborhood. 

Fitness. Write up all the yoga and fitness places within walking distance of Madison Valley, with a description of their offerings and prices. 

520 Closures. Would someone be willing to monitor the 520 bridge closures and report them to the editor? 

What’s Up On Madison? A recurring series that chronicles news from the business district. This would include new stores, specials or sales, and sundry capitalist gossip!

Mental Health. Madison Valley is acquiring a reputation as a mental health mecca. Are you a mental health professional practicing in the Valley? We’d like to know why this profession is flourishing in our neighborhood. (Is it because we’re so crazy?)

Dog Park. Discussions have begun regarding the establishment of a dog park in the soccer field area. We’d like to hear the pros and cons of this issue, presumably this would be two different writers! Lindy can provide contacts. 

Profiles of Interesting People. A partial list would include officers of the Merchants Association and the Community Council, local artists, the head of the Bush School, etc. Lindy can provide suggestions.

Census Data. Are statistics your thing? The latest census numbers we have on Madison Valley are pretty old. A report on the demographics of the Valley would be interesting to everyone and helpful in our grant-writing efforts. What sort of people live in the Valley? How old are they? Do they have kids? What is their median income? Assemble all the relevant data.

Short-Term Housing. We could use a report on where to put the family when they visit. Look at B&Bs, VBROs, and other places in the Valley for guests to stay. 

Nail Salons. With at least five nail salons opening in Madison Valley, we’d like to have a report on all the nail places, their pricing, hours, and reviews of each. Grab your friends, get a manicure, and write some reviews. 

Dry Cleaners. Which dry cleaner provides the best value? Make a list of cleaners, write a little about each one, and compare their costs. 

Notable Gardens. An article with photos and descriptions of the many amazing gardens in the Valley. 

Business Profiles. Is there a local shop or restaurant you love? Interview the owner, take some photos, and we’ll publish a feature on the business. 

Historic Homes and Buildings. Profile noteworthy buildings in Madison Valley.

Our History. Have you lived here a long time? Tell your story of what Madison Valley used to be like.

Our Future. Write an article about the future of Madison Valley. What will it be in 10 years? What does it need? What new businesses would you like to see and why?

Tips and Secrets. Share your best Madison Valley advice.

If you have questions please contact:

Lindy Wishard, President
Madison Valley Community Council
[email protected]


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