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City People's Garden Store

City People's Garden Store is locally owned nursery and gift store known for its great variety of healthy outdoor plants, including natives, as well as its selection of indoor plants, refreshed weekly, and its fun indoor gift section. The Garden Store has everything from seed to trees, and all the garden supplies and tools needed to grow either and everything in between. Most of their fertilizers are organic, as are their soils and amendments. They carry a great selection of houseplants, including cactus and orchids, plus indoor and outdoor furniture, books, bath products, cards, lamps, kid's toys, rain boots and more -- something for just about everyone!

In December the Garden Store's outdoor nursery turns into a beautiful Christmas Tree lot filled with locally grown trees, wreaths, and garland. Custom stands are assembled on site and attached to any tree for a no hassle holiday. Inside are gifts for everyone. 

City People's Landscaping offers organic landscape maintenance. They employ a team of landscape specialists with diverse degrees and educational backgrounds including horticulture, environmental sciences, arboriculture, and forestry. This range of talent enables them to enhance the urban garden through careful water and soil management, and plant care grounded in science. Whether you already love your garden or want to make improvements such as adding native plants, edibles or a rain garden or simply have a consultation with our garden coaches, City People's Landscaping are here to help.
Garden & Landscape Hours: Monday – Friday 9-5
Phone: 206 324-0963

Learn more about City People's on YouTube:


City People's Garden

City People's Garden
An End of an Era on Madison

City People's Garden
May Blooms Here, There, and Everywhere, including UP!

City People's Garden
Just posted a photo @ City People's Garden Store

City People's Garden
Hello Community! Today the mask mandate is lifted! ☺️😱We're still encouraging masks in the gift shop and Greenhouse…

City People's Garden
Our March Newsletter highlights our offerings and also the need for fostering hope and positivity. We will focus do…

City People's Garden
Just posted a photo @ City People's Garden Store

City People's Garden
Buy 3 Get 1 Free! Primrose sale! All $2.99 4” primroses are included. Sale runs through Feb 14th ♥️ 💜 💛 @ City Peop…

City People's Garden
Our February e-newsletter has favorite spring tools from some of our staff and news of our primrose sale and more.…

City People's Garden
Just posted a photo @ City People's Garden Store

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City People's Garden Store

2939 E. Madsion St. Seattle, WA 98112

206 324-0737

Mon - Sat  9AM to 6PM
Sunday 10AM to 6PM

Holiday Hours: Dec 1st - 23rd open until 8 PM weekdays